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ADDISPACE provides an answer to the limited adoption of AM technologies used to manufacture metal parts in the aerospace sector. Such an approach responds to the following challenges:

  • Not enough information about existing AM technologies, the potential benefits of their adoption in the aerospace sector and about the possible technology transfer solutions that can facilitate their adoption.
  • High investment costs for the acquisition of additive manufacturing equipment and its implementation in the existing manufacturing chains and lines of metal part manufacturing companies and SMEs.
  • Insufficient reliability of manufactured products, due to the absence of solid manufacturing process control and monitoring mechanisms.
  • Regulations currently under development and not known by users (defectology, quality, verification), and absence of design criteria and rules.
  • Absence of skilled staff for the transition towards the use of this type of technology, due to the absence of specialised, skilled and trained labour.

ADDISPACE's answer is the creation of an AM technology dissemination and transfer platform for companies, specifically for SMEs from the aerospace sector of the SUDOE, configuring such a platform as a stable environment and meeting and collaboration point for research centres and the industrial sector, where they can integrate these technologies. A vast platform, made up of companies (10 partners and 7 associates), is created for such purposes, with profiles in 3 different and complementary categories:

Universities and echnology centres
Clusters, industrial associations and SMEs
Training centres

Therefore, ADDISPACE's response follows these strategies:


Among SMEs of the existing technologies, business opportunities resulting from adopting these technologies, the technology offer in this field and the existing quality regulations and standards.


Of the following with a pilot project: 1) Technological viability and the quality of metal parts manufactured for the aerospace sector, based on AM technologies, in sector SMEs, and technological. 2) Economic and environmental viability for the integration of these technologies in traditional manufacturing equipment and systems, as an alternative to conventional manufacturing processes in sector companies.


Facilitating the creation of open innovation spaces in which knowledge centres, companies from the aerospace sector, AM companies and companies integrating AM technology solutions can know what other companies are doing and develop technology transfer projects and initiatives in real environments.


With the identification of specialised training needs, the definition of a training framework, and the initial and on-going specialised pilot training courses and dissemination practices.